University of Toronto-Research Study

Purpose of this Research:

Wheelchair Skills Training is an important resource for teaching wheelchair users skills needed for everyday life activities, including engagement in sport and recreation. The purpose of this research is to discover what sport and recreation professionals know about wheelchair skills training to begin the transition of skill development from hospital to community settings.

Who is eligible?

To be eligible to participate in this study, individuals must:

  • Work in a community-based sport or physical recreation setting (out-patient rehab & research centres are acceptable)
  • Have at least three months experience working in their field
  • Speak English
  • Be at least 18 years of age
  • Be able to attend an in-person or zoom meeting

If interested, or if you have any questions, please contact the student researcher on this project:

*Individuals will receive a $20 gift card as compensation for their participation
*This study has received ethics approval from the University of Toronto’s Research and Ethics Board

For more information click the following link Recruitment Poster – EN