Research Study: Youth Athletes with a Disability
Validation of the TOPS-2 Questionnaire in Youth Athletes with a Disability
A research study out of the University of Windsor is seeking athletes with a physical disability, between the ages of 15 to 24, to complete an online questionnaire measuring the use of psychological skills in sport.
Purpose of the Study: The proposed research aims to explore the usefulness (validity) of the Test of Performance Strategies-2 (TOPS-2) in youth athletes with a disability.
Questions will be related to different psychological skills and athletes’ personal use of them in sport. These mental skills include, but are not limited to, imagery, self-talk, goal setting, and relaxation. Other questions will relate to athletes’ engagement as an athlete in sport. This questionnaire will take approximately 20 minutes to complete and contain 80 items.
Compensation: Participants will be eligible to enter a draw to win one of ten $10 Starbucks gift certificates.
For more information, please visit the University of Windsor Research Consent webpage!
Any Questions? Please feel free to contact the Research Study Facilitators:
Mr. Matt Varga at | 519-253- 3000 ext. 4058
Dr. Krista Chandler at | 519-253- 3000 ext. 2446
This study has been approved by the University of Windsor Research Ethics Board