Research Study: National Physical Activity Measurement [NPAM]

Athletes Aged 4-17 With a Physical Disability Needed! 

This study out of the University of Toronto, University of British Columbia, and York University, looks to understand the physical activity, screen time, and sleep behaviours of children and youth (ages 4 to 17 years) with disabilities. With over 500 participants thus far, the researchers are looking for further representation of all disability types throughout Canada!

Participation in the study involves:

  • Athlete’s parent completing a 30-minute online survey on their child’s daily activities and well-being. Parents will receive a $10 e-gift card.
  • Eligible children and youth will be asked to wear a Fitbit for one month to help us better understand their typical movement patterns. Participants will also be randomly selected to wear an accelerometer along with the Fitbit. Children and youth will have the opportunity to keep the Fitbit after participating in the study!
  • Youth over the age of 10 years will also be asked to participate in a 45-minute telephone/video interview, during which they answer questions about their daily activities and well-being. Youth will receive 5 volunteer hours for participating in the interview.

Click here to watch the study’s accessible recruitment video

To participate in the study, please CLICK HERE!

Questions? Contact the NPAM Research Coordinator, Ritu Sharma, at

This study is funded by Canadian Tire’s Jumpstart Charities and supported by the Canadian Disability Participation Project (CDPP)