Research Study: Classification Experiences of Parasport Athletes

Researchers from Western University are seeking participants for a study on the classification experiences of parasport athletes.

The goal of the study is to understand the embodied experiences associated with disability sport classification and potentially highlight the power dynamics within sport and create space for new understanding of the ways in which bodies inform sport participation opportunities.

Understanding the experiences of athletes in the process of classification is fundamental to understanding how the process impacts the quality of their participation in disability sport.

Eligibility Requirements:

  • Must be a parasport athlete
  • Must have experienced classification nationally and/or internationally
  • Must be 18 years of age or older
  • Must live in Canada
  • Must speak English

Participation Requirements:

Involvement in the study will be complete virtual due to the ongoing pandemic. You will be asked to complete two (2) virtual interviews via Zoom that will range between 45-90 minutes in duration.

If you are interested in this opportunity, please click on the link below and complete the brief screening survey.

Upon completing the survey, you may be contacted via email to complete the consent process and schedule an interview with the research team.


Megan Kalbfleisch, Research Assistant, MA Student,
Dr. Laura Misener, Principal Investigator, Supervisor,