Quest For Gold: 2017-2018 Selection Criteria Released
Quest For Gold (OAAP) information released for the 2017-2018 season
The Ontario Wheelchair Sports Association, with the approval of the Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport, has made public the selection criteria and application details for the Quest for Gold program (Ontario Athlete Assistance Program) for all four of its sports:
- Wheelchair Athletics
- Wheelchair Basketball
- Wheelchair Rugby
- Wheelchair Tennis
All athletes are encouraged to apply for Quest For Gold funding if they have been identified as High Performance athletes or “next generation” athletes with the potential to make a future National Team. Applicants are asked to carefully and thoroughly read and review the appropriate Quest For Gold document for their chosen sport, as selection criteria differs between each sport. Applicants must also be aware of eligibility requirements, expectations of the program, and their responsibilities as Quest For Gold recipients.
- Application Deadline – February 2 (basketball) and February 5 (athletics, rugby, tennis)
- Draft List of Nominations posted – February 16, 2018
- Appeals must be submitted by February 27, 2018
- Final list of nominated Ontario Card athletes posted – March 26, 2018
The Ontario Athlete Assistance Program (OAAP) is a funding program of the Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture & Sport that provides financial support to Ontario’s amateur high performance athletes. The OWSA is the Provincial Sport Organization responsible for athlete carding in wheelchair athletics, wheelchair basketball, wheelchair rugby and wheelchair tennis.