Wheelchair Tennis ‘Have-A-Go’ Day at Rogers Cup 2019

Come join us at the Rogers Cup in Toronto for the opportunity to play some wheelchair tennis! Participants of all ages, physical abilities, and skill levels are welcome! Never played before? No problem! No experience necessary! Sport wheelchairs and all equipment will be provided by ONPARA.

Date: Sunday August 4th, 2019

Time: 2:00 – 3:30pm

Aviva Centre – Promo Court
1 Shoreham Drive
Toronto ON M3N 3A6

Registration: Free!

For more information, please contact Katherine Hale at 416-426-7131 or btg@onpara.ca

Wheelchair Tennis ‘Have-A-Go’ Day at Rogers Cup 2019


First & Last Name *

Gender *

ONPARA recognizes the privacy rights of all our members. We will only ask for information about gender from our staff and members when it is critical to the services or programs, in a manner that is inclusive, and for which there are no consequences for abstaining.

Date of Birth *


Have you ever played wheelchair tennis? *

Will you require ONPARA to provide you with a sport wheelchair? *

Declaration *

I, intending to be legally bound, do hereby, for and on behalf of myself, my heirs, executors and assigns, waive and release and forever dis-charge the Ontario Para Network from any and all actions, claims and demands of every kind which I may have or which may hereafter occur for any damages, losses or injuries of any nature suffered in connection with my activities related to the Wheelchair Tennis Workshop Have a Go Intro Session, including travelling to, participating in and returning from the said event.

*Participants under the age of 18 require the permission of a parent/guardian to participate.

Participant Photo Release Form *

I give permission to the Ontario Para Network to feature a photograph and/or video and/or audio of me to be used in Ontario Para Network programs, events and promotional initiatives such as, but not limited to, newsletters, articles, publications, websites, social media, television, film, radio, print, displays, and presentations.

I hereby release the Ontario Para Network and its agents from all manner of actions, causes of action, debts, accounts, contracts, claims and demands whatsoever which I or my heirs, executors, administrators or assigns can, shall or may have at any time as a result of any act, matter or thing whatsoever arising out of or in connection with the consent and authorization given in this agreement.

*Participants under the age of 18 require the permission of a parent/guardian to participate.