Casting Call for Girls & Women with Disabilities

Olympic public service announcement campaign seeks female children and adults with visible physical disabilities

Jigsaw Casting Ltd. is casting Canada-wide for the following roles:

  • ‘Hero Girl Amputee’: Female, 6-13 years old. Needs to have a visible disability, preferably amputated leg. Does not need to be a runner.
  • ‘Hero Woman Amputee’: Female, 17-25 years old. Needs to have a visible disability, preferably amputated leg. Needs to be an actual runner who can run on a prosthetic. (She will be playing an older version of our Hero Girl).
  • ‘Young Fan’: Female, 8-13 years old. Any type of disability.
  • ‘Runners’: Females, 17-25 years old. Looking for able-bodied sprinters who train and compete currently or have in the past and still maintain the skill/body type.


Pays approx $1,500.00 (if selected) + flights and accommodation to Toronto for non-locals.

Details & Submission Information

Interested applicants must submit the following information to in order to be invited to audition:
1. Your name, age and a little bit about your disability. Do you use a prosthetic? If yes, what type?
Hero Women: Tell us about your running experience as well.
2. Photo(s) of yourself (where we can clearly see your face – no hats or sunglasses).
3. Your primary contact information, including phone number.
*If you are a represented actor, please include your union status, resume & your agent’s contact information
4. Please write ‘Olympic PSA‘ in the subject line of e-mail, along with your name, role and age.
(e.g. OLYMPIC PSA – Jane Robinson – hero woman – age 18)

Submissions are due by Friday, December 8th at 9:00am


Applicants must be available for these key dates:

  • Interviews: Week of December 11th (via Skype)
  • Shoot: Jan. 15-16, 2018 (in Toronto – TBD)

Questions or Concerns

  • If you have already submitted for this project, you do not need to resubmit your information
  • Please note that you will not be compensated for the audition
  • This is a Union PSA. Non-actors will be permitted.
  • You must be a Permanent Resident or Canadian Citizen to participate
  • If you have received this bulletin after the initial audition date, please still email us your submission as you may be able to attend the recall audition


Jigsaw Casting Ltd.
60 Sumach Street
3rd Floor
Toronto, ON, M5A 3J7